Feeling Like You Don't Measure Up

“It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God – that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30


When I was home full time with my three little ones, I enjoyed listening to a well-known Bible teacher who had a daily television program. She had a gift of communicating Bible truths in a simple, practical way. I learned so much from her. She regularly put a challenge out to her audience, promising it would change their life if they chose to accept it. The challenge was this: Learn who you are in Christ.


I was intrigued, but wasn’t sure where to start. What did the phrase “in Christ” even mean? I let her challenge pass me by for about a year before I decided to take it. And guess what? She was right. It changed my life.


I started my search by asking myself the question “Who am I?” I am a mom and wife. I am friendly and extroverted. Many people tell me I’m a woman who shines for Jesus, but a few tell me I’m a fake. Maybe they’re right. After all, I am a woman with a sinful past, and sometimes I’m selfish and mean. Who’s right?


Do you ever get conflicting reports about who you are? Some days you feel strong and brave, but then a person or circumstance comes along the next day and makes you feel weak, stupid and hopeless. Basing our identity on the people and circumstances around us buckles us in for a roller coaster ride filled with hills of confidence and valleys of insecurity. God doesn’t want you living an insecure life.


This is why the “in Christ” part of who we are is absolutely essential to know. You see, it doesn’t matter who you say you are or who the people around you say you are. What matters is who Christ says you are. And in Christ, your identity is secure and beautiful.


Our focus verse today points out that Jesus became your righteousness, holiness and redemption when he died on the cross for you. Your identity in the presence of God is forever changed. In your sin, you were an enemy of God. Because of Jesus, you are now his beloved daughter. In your sin, you were dirty and unholy. Because of Jesus, you are clean and holy. In your sin, your eternal destiny was hell. Because of Jesus, your life has been redeemed and your eternal destiny is heaven.



The Bible has much more to say about who you are in Christ. I challenge you to look up every scripture that contains the phrase “in Christ”. If you choose to accept the challenge, I promise it will change your life. Your beautiful, purpose-filled, life-giving identity is kept by Jesus. Thank him today that your identity is not based on what you have done, but by what he has done. Know today that in every way, you are kept by Jesus. Oh, how he loves you.



Anna Frye is a speaker, author, television host and founder of the Chosen and Crowned tribe. She invites moms and wives to celebrate imperfect progress fueled by the grace of a perfect God. She helps women bravely talk about the messy places of life, instead of hiding shamefully under them. She believes that lasting beauty comes when women courageously surrender their ashes to God and allow him to do something mind-blowingly amazing with them. If this resonates with you, then you belong with the Chosen and Crowned tribe. Connect at www.ChosenAndCrowned.com/blog


Email: anna@chosenandcrowned.com



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