Women's Retreat Invite


Hi there, Chosen and Crowned tribe! 

I want to let you know I'll be the keynote speaker for a women's retreat, organized by Community United Methodist Church, on April 21-23 in Jumonville! The leaders want me to spread the word that this retreat is open to ALL women. I would love to see you there!


I've spent weeks praying, reading, studying and praying some more in preparation for our time together. I've asked God, the ultimate creator, to help me create a series of messages that will specifically encourage, challenge, and build the hearts of his daughters. 


You are in for a real treat! 


I am expecting God to show up and show up during our time together. I believe he has something he wants to speak to each woman who comes. 


Are you wanting an encounter with God?

Do you want to build relationships with friends?

Then you need to come! 


You can get all the details and register at communityumchurch.com

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Email: anna@chosenandcrowned.com



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Sarah Heller - sek127@yahoo.com

Images & Photography

Colleen Alexander - photographybycolleena@gmail.com

April Hauger - haugerhouse@me.com

Kami Hauser - ryanandkami@hotmail.com