My God Is About To Come Through For Me

I read a faith-filled declaration this week that I want to adopt as my go-to statement every time life tries to wrestle me to the ground.


My God is about to come through for me.


My God. My all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present God. The One who was before all things and stands victorious at the end of all things. The One who is working everything for my good. Healer. Restorer. Comforter. Refuge. Peace. Provider. The Great I Am.


My God is about to come through for me.


This is why I will choose to “consider it pure joy whenever I face trials of many kinds” (James 1:2). My trials position me to see a mighty working of my God. I will not walk around with my mind and eyes downcast, I will look up in great expectation.


When I’m tempted to give up, I will instead determine to persevere…


Because my God is about to come through for me.


When self-pity invites me to its party and life starts to feel hard and unfair, I will shout in its face…


My God is about to come through for me.


Jesus made it clear that in this life we will have trouble. A wise teacher said, “There are seasons when life and the enemy will be allowed to test your faith. When those times come will you remain steadfast or will the shallowness of your faith be revealed?”


I love the story, found in Matthew 14:22-32, about Jesus walking on the water to the boat-dwelling, storm-trapped disciples. This was an overwhelming and life-threatening situation for sure. If it were me in that boat, I would probably need a clean pair of underwear when I got to shore! The disciples were terrified. But Jesus spoke to them at once, “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”


When Jesus said, “I am here”, he literally was saying “the I Am is here”. We see this same name being used by God in the Old Testament when he was talking to Moses and wanted to remind Moses of his unchanging nature. “I Am” is the name by which God wished to be known and worshiped in Israel – the name that expressed his character as the dependable and faithful God who desires the full trust of his people (NIV text note, Exodus 3:14).  


When our faith is tested and life’s storms threaten to overtake us, Jesus is calling to us, “Don’t be afraid! The I Am is here. You can count on me. Let my faithfulness and promises strengthen you. Fix your eyes on me, not on the wind and waves. I am about to do the impossible in your life.”



Will you do something for me? I think it would be amazingly fun and inspiring to see a whole thread of comments below from God’s Chosen and Crowned declaring, “MY GOD IS ABOUT TO COME THROUGH FOR ME!” Will you declare it with me today by typing it out in all bold letters in the comment section below? If you want to get even crazier, share this post on social media which will boldly display the quote square. Make sure to include #ChosenAndCrowned so we can all find it. Have a faith-filled day, beautiful friend!


Anna Frye is a speaker, author, television host and founder of the Chosen and Crowned tribe. She invites moms and wives to celebrate imperfect progress fueled by the grace of a perfect God. She helps women bravely talk about the messy places of life, instead of hiding shamefully under them. She believes that lasting beauty comes when women courageously surrender their ashes to God and allow him to do something mind-blowingly amazing with them. If this resonates with you, then you belong with the Chosen and Crowned tribe. Connect at

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Annette Kimmel (Saturday, 19 March 2016 19:58)

    Anna, this post really spoke to me today! I have been praying for my nephew Steven who has really been looking for a good job since he graduated college. He had an interview last week and really thought he would be offered the job. Although it wasn't a perfect fit for him, he decided he would accept it as a stepping stone. Well unfortunately he wasn't offered the job and we were all disappointed for him. I was so encouraged when reading your article. My prayer and confession as I pray for my nephew is "MY GOD IS ABOUT TO COME THROUGH FOR STEVEN"! We speak it in faith and praise God that Steven is on the threshold of the door God has opened for him!! Thank you for strengthening my faith today! : )

  • #2

    Anna (Tuesday, 22 March 2016 07:37)

    Yes! God is about to come through for Steven! Can't wait to hear how he does it! Thanks for sharing, Annette. I'm believing and praying with you!

  • #3

    Sinner Wayne Saved by Jesus Christ (Wednesday, 15 February 2017 01:06)

    “MY GOD IS ABOUT TO COME THROUGH FOR ME!” I was retrenched after 10 years and 9 months working for a company, all I can do is forgive, love and bless them, for I know the plans I have for you declares the lord, I thank god for my life and the great plan he has for my life and I know he is faithful in his faithfulness to come through, I bless the lord in all that I am in him and will keep on keeping on and be on the lookout for the big break through, he said he is going to amaze me, how lord for you have already amazed me "ready to be amazed" in Jesus mighty name Amen ;)




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