Lord, Make My Marriage A Masterpiece


Welcome back to Week 3 of Wife Army ‘15! There is no formal blog today, but I wanted to give you an Action Point, our week's Prayer Point, a quote and a Scripture Prayer for your husband’s heart. 



 ”If I’ve learned anything, it’s that a wife can’t put pressure on her husband to be something, but she can pray for him to become it. She can pray that he be molded according to God’s plan and not anyone else’s. Then, who he becomes will be determined by whether he hears God’s call on his life or not. Your husband is ‘predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will’ (Ephesians 1:11, 12). But you still need to pray that he hears God’s call, so that who he is and what he does lines up with God’s purpose for his life.”  - Stormie Omartian, The Power of a Praying Wife


Action Point: Write Ephesians 2:10 on a dry erase board or notecard, and put it in a place where you will see it often. Meditate on it and pray it next time you need to believe that your marriage is God's workmanship. 



Prayer Point 3: Your husband is not the enemy. Don’t fight him. Pray for him!  


Scripture Prayer

God, I know you can bring life to the dead places of my marriage through the working power of your Holy Spirit. You call my husband and me to cooperate with your Spirit in what he is doing. So, Lord, today I pray that both my husband and I hear your call on our lives to be a husband and wife after your own heart. Do not let us be foolish, but wise in you. Let us be filled with your Spirit. Teach my husband what it means to love me as Christ loves his church and gave himself up for her. Teach me how to submit to my husband, as I submit to you God. Show me how to respect my husband, for this honors you. Teach us to submit to one another out of reverence for you.


Lord, you created our marriage to be a masterpiece and created good works for us to do as a husband and wife team. Show us your will and open our eyes to the work you have given us. Make our marriage a breath-taking image of Christ and his church. May our marriage bring you glory.


Thank you that when you call us, you equip us. Enable us, today, to walk in a way that is worthy of our calling. Don’t let us get side tracked by discouragement or fear. Give us your perspective. Keep our eyes fixed on you, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Give us patience to wait for your perfect timing. Sustain us in hope for the things we pray for our marriage. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Amen!

Ephesians 2:10; 5:21-30; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; Hebrews 12:2

If you missed the intro to Wife Army '15 and the first three prayer points, read Let The Fight BeginFinding Freedom From An Ugly Side Of Marriage, Your Biggest Struggle To Fulfilling God's Purpose For Your Marriage and Can A Dead Marriage Be Brought Back To Life. For all other Wife Army '15 posts and prayers, visit Anna's blog


This post is part of a blog series hosted by Anna Frye, founder of Chosen And Crowned Ministries. Anna's heart is to raise up a growing army of women (#WifeArmy15) who courageously pray scripture over their marriages and expect mind-blowing results. This series runs from Oct. 19-Nov. 13. Join the Wife Army and invite your friends at www.ChosenAndCrowned.com/blog.

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