If you missed the introduction to Wife Army 15, read "Let The
Fight Begin". For the Week 1 Prayer Point, read "Finding
Freedom From The Ugly Side of Marriage"
Welcome to Week 2 of Wife Army ’15! I’m so thankful you’ve committed to this prayer journey with me. You help me stay accountable to my own commitment to pray! Life really is better with girlfriends!
My question for you today is this: What controls your husband? Is it fear, insecurity, failure, anger, workaholism, alcoholism, laziness, depression, sickness, abusiveness, or anxiety? Whatever it is, you can submit it to God and pray that God will release your husband of its bondage.
If the wife does not submit her husband’s bondage to God, then it begins to put her in bondage too. She becomes enslaved to bitterness, unforgiveness, hopelessness and fear. I can personally attest to the truth of this. When I dwelled on my husband’s strongholds, instead of surrendering them daily to God, my heart felt crushed under the weight of despair. Hopelessness washed over me like a flood. Dear friend, these are not marks of a Chosen and Crowned daughter of God! With God, there is always hope. With God, there is always freedom. All we have to do is walk daily in the freedom that was purchased for us when Christ died for us. I am reminded in Romans 8:15 that the Spirit you and I received from God does not make us slaves, to live once again in fear. Rather, the Spirit we received brought about our adoption and freedom as daughters of God. When hopelessness threatens to overwhelm, we can cry out “Abba (Daddy), Father!” Our big, strong Daddy God will surround us in his arms and sing over us with songs of deliverance. Take a few minutes for yourself today and listen to this song that declares the truths of Romans 8:15. Click here to listen. Let it minister to your heart.
Friend, we have been given authority by God “over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19) and can destroy Satan’s plans of evil when we pray. Stormie Omartian says, “Many of the difficult things that happen in a marriage relationship are actually part of the enemy’s plan set up for its demise. But we can say:
‘I will not allow anything to destroy my marriage.’
‘I will not stand by and watch my husband be wearied, beaten down, or destroyed.’
‘I will not sit idle while an invisible wall goes up between us.’
‘I will not allow confusion, miscommunication, wrong attitudes, and bad choices to erode what we are trying to build together.’
‘I will not tolerate hurt and unforgiveness leading us to divorce.’”
You and I can stand up with full authority as daughters of God and pray life and hope back into our marriages, in Jesus’ powerful name! As we pray this week, let’s establish a hedge of protection around our marriage. Jesus tells us, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18).” I don’t know about you, but I’m getting excited! The enemy is going to get a beat down! LET’S DO THIS!
This post is part of a blog series hosted by Anna Frye, founder of Chosen And Crowned Ministries. Anna's heart is to raise up a growing army of women (#WifeArmy15) who courageously pray scripture over their marriages and expect mind-blowing results. This series runs from Oct. 19-Nov. 13. Join the Wife Army and invite your friends at www.ChosenAndCrowned.com/blog.
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