Masterpiece In The Making

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

My then 4-year-old (who is now 11) son’s eyes sparkled as he skipped into the room and proudly held up his latest crayon masterpiece. “Didn’t I do good, Mommy?” he asked me. In my eyes, his masterpiece looked like a mess of scribbles, but as any loving mother would do, I said, “Yes, tell me about your creation!” Bubbling over with excitement, he began explaining his masterpiece to me, bringing to life this mess of scribbles. “It’s a volcano, Mommy! This is the lava shooting out and exploding everywhere.” Indeed, I could see it! We hung it up in the Frye art museum (aka: the kitchen) so all could see the work of this little artist.

My friend, did you know that you are the masterpiece of the greatest artist ever to set up shop here on earth? God, your Creator, formed you out of nothing. Nothing! Just like my son knew what his creation would be before the crayon ever hit the paper, God knew you intimately before He even created you. Before He placed you in your mother’s womb, He knew how He wanted you to look, what kind of personality you would have, where you would live, and so on. He assigned to you a specific purpose and set you apart from all that was ordinary.

You see, He created you to be extraordinary.

He wrote every detail of your life story before one of them came to be. In fact, He had you in His mind even before the creation of the entire universe.

Before you were anything, you were everything to your Creator, loved and adored by Him.

Then came the big day! God presented you, His latest masterpiece, to the world. Can’t you just imagine God calling all the angels around Him and saying, “Look at her! Didn’t I do good? I breathed life into her, but oh my, how her beauty takes My breath away.”

You are no ordinary piece of artwork, sweet friend.

Maybe you’ve made some bad choices and your life is a big mess of scribbles. God still sees your original design. His plan for you hasn’t changed.

Maybe you’ve settled for the average, comfortable life. Friend, you weren’t created to be comfortable OR average!

Maybe you’re feeling that pull towards something grand. You know you were created for big things. Keep moving, sister!

No matter which scenario you find yourself in, God desires to reveal and help you find the extraordinary life you were meant to live. You have a God-sized destiny that overflows with passion and purpose. But it’s hidden. You want to know where? It’s hidden in Christ. So seek Him, sister! He promises to be found by you. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Oh how He loves you! May you become the masterpiece God designed you to be as you realize the life you were meant to live in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Looking for a great book to help you grow closer in your relationship with God and discover your extraordinary destiny? Anna Frye’s book, Extraordinary You, can help you do just that! Packed with personal stories and Biblical truths, you will be inspired in your walk with God and your determination to live out God’s beautiful story for your life. Order your copy today at




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