OUTREACH UPDATE (3/31/15): Malawi Book Collection

OUTREACH UPDATE (3/31/15): Malawi Book Collection


Kids impacting kids. What an awesome thing! I love when my kids can get involved in outreach projects. I want them to know that they are not too young to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I assure you that kids notice people who are hurting and in need. They were so excited to pick some books off their book shelf to send to children in Africa! How fun it will be to see pictures of kids on the other side of the world holding their books! They are making a difference! 


Do your kids have overflowing book shelves? Why not get them involved in this book collection for the children in Malawi? We are collecting gently used or new books for elementary-aged children through the month of April. Thank you to those of you who have already donated! Remember, too, that it costs $250 to ship 55 pounds of books. We have not received any donations for shipping costs yet. Would you prayerfully consider making a small donation of $5 or $10? You can donate using a credit card by clicking on the "Store" tab of Chosen and Crowned Ministries website, www.ChosenAndCrowned.com. Or if you see Anna, you may give the donation directly to her. 


Thank you for partnering with Chosen and Crowned Ministries to impact the children of Malawi! 






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Email: anna@chosenandcrowned.com



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Colleen Alexander - photographybycolleena@gmail.com

April Hauger - haugerhouse@me.com

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