MAMA MONDAY: Would I Shoot The Easter Bunny?
Would I shoot the Easter Bunny?
One early Easter morning, my sleepy-eyed preschoolers headed outside for our family’s annual egg hunt. The crisp air jarred them to attention, releasing them in zig-zag patterns around the yard to find the hidden treasure. Winter’s thaw squooshed under their booted feet like water from a sponge. Giggles filled the air as eggs filled their baskets. One. Two. Three. They counted to make sure every last egg had been found. But three were missing.
Daddy called out to them, “Why don’t you look in Mommy’s flower gardens?” to which the children replied in horror, “I hope the eggs aren’t in Mommy’s flowers. If they are, Mommy might shoot the Easter Bunny!”
I laughed so hard I thought I might burst! I had taught them well to stay out of my flowers – with non-violent methods, I might add. I assured them that I loved the Easter Bunny very much, even if he did hide three eggs in my flowers.
Holidays are a wonderful time of making sweet family memories and building traditions that last a lifetime. As a mom on mission to raise my children to be devoted followers of Christ, I have shifted much of the Easter focus off of the Easter Bunny and onto the real meaning of Easter. Easter is the celebration of Jesus, our Passover Lamb and our risen Lord and Savior! Easter is a wonderful time to tell our kids again of Jesus’ love for them and the fact that they are His CHOSEN and CROWNED kids.
In this post, I’d like to share two of my kids’ favorite Easter traditions:
1. Making Resurrection Rolls
There are lots of recipes online, but the one I like is from
Symbolic Ingredients:
Marshmallow: The pure and sinless person of Jesus Christ.
Cinnamon and Sugar: After Jesus died on the cross, they prepared his body for burial with spices.
Crescent Roll: The tomb.
As you make these rolls with your child, talk about who Jesus is and how much He loves them. Tell them the story of His death on the cross and how He took away their sins forever. Make sure the words you say and the details you share are age appropriate.
Once the rolls are baked, it’s time to eat one! There is a great surprise waiting for you son or daughter! When they bite into the roll, they will discover that the marshmallow has disappeared! This symbolizes Jesus resurrection. When Jesus’ friends went to the tomb, they were surprised to find the tomb was empty. Jesus had risen!
Keepin’ It Real: Often times, our rolls don’t turn out perfectly. The marshmallow squeezes out through a crack in the crescent roll. The center is usually still empty though! Even if your rolls don’t turn out perfect, the time with your child will become a treasured tradition and a great opportunity to talk about the love of Christ. Happy baking! PLEASE post pictures of you and your children making and/or eating them! I’d love to see them!
To learn about our second favorite Easter tradition, come back next week! I’m going to share about celebrating Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples. Get the sparkling grape juice ready!
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