The Truth About Fear

Fear. I receive so many prayer requests from women who wish to be free from this slave owner. I was once one of them.

Fear screamed intimidating words to me. It paralyzed me and kept me from walking victoriously. It chained me to lies and hid the key that would unlock truth. I believed I may never be free from fear’s grip. But then my Father came to my rescue. Ah, my Dad. He’s a pretty awesome guy. His name is God.

Fear must bow down to God. Fear trembles before Him and loses all power with one glimpse of His majesty. My Father lifted me from my pitiful state and reminded me of a truth I had long forgotten: I am already free.  “My child, I have already set you free from fear. The Spirit which is in you is not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear. It is the Spirit of adoption! You are my daughter! Fear will tremble before you because My glory is in you!”

My dear sister in Christ, does it feel like fear has a grip on you? If so, I’d like to share with you how to practically and powerfully walk in the freedom that is already yours.

Remember these three things: Pray Truth. Speak Truth. Live Truth.

Our truth is found in God’s Word. So when fear is filling your head with lies, you must Pray Truth, Speak Truth and Live Truth. Here’s how this works in my life:

When I feel fear begin to wrap its slimy fingers around my ankles, I go to this truth: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). You can pick this or any verse that applies to your situation.

I then PRAY this truth over myself, “Father God, help me to not fear for I know that You are with me. Help me to not be dismayed, for You are my God! You are strengthening me and helping me at this very moment. You are upholding me with Your righteous right hand. Thank you, Lord. Amen.”

Next I SPEAK this truth out loud over and over so that I can hear it over fear’s lie. “I will not be afraid for my God is with me! I will not be dismayed, for I am a child of the most high God! I can feel Him strengthening me at this very moment. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes, He is filling me with His power and presence. He is upholding me with His big, strong hand. Fear will tremble before me.”

Finally, whether I feel completely free from fear or not, I must step out and LIVE truth. Because it’s my truth. It’s mine! And I refuse to let fear steal it from me! When I step out and LIVE TRUTH, I experience God like never before.

The scripture I’m focusing on for this year is Matthew 10:39, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” Clinging to life means clinging to what is safe and comfortable. God wants you to give that up for Him so that you can find the life you were meant to live. As you and I journey together this year to give up our lives to find life, let’s remember to Pray Truth, Speak Truth and Live Truth. 

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