MAMA MONDAY: 3 Opportunities For Joy In The Midst Of Trouble

I have always struggled with the Bible verse that says, “When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy” (James 1:2). Try telling this to a mom who has to go grocery shopping with two preschoolers and an infant, or a mom whose teen let loose on her with a storm of angry words, breaking her heart into a million pieces. Try telling this to a mom who is overworked and overstressed because she has to play the role of both mom and dad.

If trouble can bring opportunities for great joy, we parents have been given A LOT of opportunities to be joyful. I decided that I needed to look into this some more.

I found a man in the Bible named Paul who endured troubles of every kind. He cited examples like working to exhaustion, enduring sleepless nights, and facing angry mobs. I thought that kind of sounded like moms so I kept reading.  Though he endured many ongoing trials, he lived out his “opportunities for great joy”. He realized that his circumstances weren’t the focus. What he did in the midst of his circumstances was most important.

He looked at trials as an opportunity to:

1. Shine brightly for Jesus. Paul knew that others were watching how he lived out his faith and he knew that God’s power was at work inside of him. He chose not to complain or argue. He held firmly to God’s promises which brought hope and life into his dark trials. He found joy in that hope. Mom friend, not only are others watching how you live out your relationship with Christ, your kids are watching you. In the midst of your frustration and exhaustion, take a deep breath and focus on Jesus. He is ready and willing to pour out His grace on you so you are able to act like Him. When you act like Christ in a difficult situation, joy will be yours.


2. Be like Christ. Christ came to earth as a servant and Paul found joy walking in Christ’s footsteps. Jesus knew what it was to suffer. Because of Christ’s great love for us, Jesus humbled Himself in obedience to God, gave up His divine privileges, and took the position of a slave.  For the joy set before Him, which was a relationship with us, He endured the cross. Mom, you are a servant. When you take on the humble position of a mom out of obedience to God, you will be blessed and lifted up by the One who appointed you. Be sure of this, joy has been set before you. Pursue it!


3. Press on towards the goal. Paul knew there was a rich heavenly reward waiting for him at the end of his life here on earth. Holding onto that eternal perspective helped him endure his trials. He said, “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us (Phil. 3:13). Mom friend, you have a rich reward waiting for you in heaven. To run your race with joy, you must train with the Ultimate Coach. Meet with Him every day and let His words penetrate your heart. Although there is pain along the way, there is much opportunity for joy. Look for it!


While we long to be released from trials, we can have joy knowing that God will use those trials to develop good things in us and in those we love.  God has given you everything you need to live a godly life. Therefore, mom friend, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Make every effort to live a life of love and self-control. Then God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1: 3-11). Now that is an opportunity for joy!


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