One of the hardest things for me to do is to be still. The demands of each day call to me: Get up! Move! Accomplish! Strive! Succeed! My kids need me. My husband needs me. My church and the PTA need me. So I move. I go. I run here and there. I plan. I make lists. I set goals. I succeed! No time to waste!
The problem is that while I am busy “doing”, I am missing out on “being” -- being still and knowing my Lord. All my doing is meaningless if I am neglecting what is most important, my relationship with my sweet Savior. Today in my quiet time I read, “I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God” (Isaiah 61:10). In the very next chapter I read, “The LORD will take delight in {me}. As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so will {my} God rejoice over {me}” (Isaiah 62:4,5).
Did you catch the mutual delight and rejoicing between God and his beloved? What sweet delight I forfeit when I choose constant movement over basking in the glory, beauty and love of my Jesus.
My heart is so hungry to experience more of Jesus. More of his love. More of his presence. For it is only through his love and in his presence that I will find fulfillment and satisfaction for my soul. In that sweet communion, I will know joy and great delight. My heart will be so filled with passion and fire that I will not be able to contain it. My God who made me in his image, who created the galaxies, who spread the icy glitter over the blanket of snow, who causes the sun to shine and the moon to glow longs to be with me. He longs to make himself known to me.
He delights in me and rejoices over me. More than he wants me “doing” things for him, he simply wants me to “be” with him. “Come and sit with me for awhile,” I hear Him whisper to my heart. “Let me lavish my love on you and show you how precious you are to me. Let me bind up your broken heart; set you free from the thing that entangles you, and remind you of your beauty and worth. Let me lift up your head and put a song of praise in your mouth.”
Indeed, my Lord has put a sweet song in my mouth and a longing in my heart. This year, I want to be still and know my Lord. I want him to be my one desire, my one true love, my breath, my everything. For in Christ, I am complete. He is my all in all.
Here are two songs God has given me this week to draw me close to his heart. Please enjoy these songs:
Kristian Stanfill's, "One Thing Remains"
Sidewalk Prophets', “Keep Making Me”:
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