Don't Give Up!

It’s so hard following a God-given dream.  I knew it would be hard, but I’m surprised by how lonely it feels.  I’m surprised by the sudden attacks of insecurity and overwhelming feelings of “is anything I’m doing making a difference?”.

These feelings have caused me to press in closer to the One who put the dream in my heart in the first place. “Oh, Father, it’s Your encouragement I need today.  Remind me that I am Your chosen servant.  Remind me of my calling and purpose.  Tell me again about the work You plan to accomplish through me.  Whisper again how precious I am to You.”

When I need a word from my Creator, I go immediately to my Bible, which is God’s perfect and precious word for you and for me. Friend, I just wonder if you need some encouragement from God today to not give up? Is His purpose and season for you feeling lonely or overwhelming?  Are you wondering if anything you’re doing is making a difference?  Do you feel like you’re way in over your head?


I’d like to share with you what He whispered to my heart in response to my prayer.  The following are just some of the words and phrases that leaped off the pages as I read.  They are from Isaiah, chapters 52, 60 - 62.  I would encourage you to read those chapters for yourself.  They are mind-blowingly (Yes, I know that’s not a word.) beautiful and rich with encouragement and love for you as a daughter of God.

Don’t give up!  Clothe yourself with strength.  Shake off your dust. Rise up!  Sit enthroned, O Daughter of the King, for the glory of the Lord rises upon you. Lift up your eyes and look about you.  The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on you and you are radiant.  You are a display of his splendor.  He rejoices over you and delights in you! How beautiful you are when you bring good news.  Let your heart throb and swell with joy.

Sweet friend, when you go to your loving heavenly Father for encouragement, you can be sure He will deliver the word you need.  Press into Him today.  Ask Him to whisper to your heart.  Be still and quiet before Him so you can hear Him whisper.  He loves you so much and has an extraordinary plan for your life.


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