But the Lord said, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Swimsuit season is upon us (MOAN.). Oh, how I wish I was immune to the pressures our culture puts on us to be a size negative nothing, while still maintaining a perky, plus-size bra cup! And, let’s not be lazy when it comes to daily moisturizing and regular application of SPF 50. We don’t want wrinkles now, do we? That would be way too normal and natural! And, while we’re lathering on the SPF, let’s not forget about maintaining that beautifully tanned skin!
Ugh, just writing all that makes me sick to my stomach – or could it be that dark chocolate brownie I ate earlier today!
Please don’t misunderstand me, I am a huge advocate for integrating healthy life-style habits into our routines so that we can be strong and healthy for God's assignments and so we can feel good
about ourselves.
But, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about our culture’s OBSESSION with how we look. As women, we are our own worst critics! As layers of clothes decrease
in the summer, critical comments increase. “I hate my stomach!” “If only I could lose 10 pounds.” “What happened to my boobs!” “Where did this cellulite come
from?” “When did my skin get so saggy?” “I hate, hate, hate how I look.” “YUCK!”
Next, we determine to go on a crash diet and exercise for an hour every day. We start comparing ourselves to the women around us, and before we know it, we’re frustrated and miserable! Can
I get a witness??!!
I don’t know about you, sweet friend, but I’m just so tired of it all! Continuously thinking about and striving for that “perfect” body is a trap from the devil himself. Because the
truth is, we'll never be perfectly happy with our appearance -- trust me, I've tried. This obsession is not God’s desire for us! I’ve struggled with my outward appearance
since I was about 8-years-old, if you can even believe it. I was a heavier child and I always compared myself to the skinniest girl in my class. She always stood with her hands on her
waist, so I started standing with my hands on my waist. This must be her secret!
As I entered my teen years, I would try to make myself throw up after dinner (which never worked, thank goodness!). My struggles have followed me somewhat into adulthood. It’s mostly been a battle of my thoughts, so I strive for balance and fight back with my trusty weapon – God’s Word. I need to daily hear God’s truth about what makes me beautiful so that it drowns out society’s lies.
Girls, you are EXQUISITE in God’s eyes. Just as 1 Samuel 16:7 says, he does not look at your outer appearance or the things man looks at. God looks at your heart.
While God wants you to tend to your physical health and outward appearance, he doesn’t want that to become more of a focus than your spiritual health. God wants to use you to do AMAZING
things! He wants your life to make an eternal impact! If you get too distracted by trying to achieve super model status, the right clothes, the fancy house, the luxury car and
the perfect family, you will miss out on an exceedingly abundant, joyful, peace-filled, purpose-filled life that God has planned for you!
Am I still working to be content with the “fluff” on my belly? Yes. Do I have to guard my heart against excessive exercise, dieting and critical thoughts? Yes. But, in my
years of struggle, I’ve learned what is MOST important – my relationship with Jesus, my purpose on this earth, my family and my friends. None of those items listed requires me to be a size
negative nothing. This is true for you, too.
After all...
You are a royal daughter of the Most High God.
In him, you are privileged, wealthy, and blessed like nothing this world has ever seen.
You are wonderfully and perfectly made by His loving hands.
You have been chosen and set apart for a purpose that only you can fulfill in the way God intended.
You are amazing because of who you are in Christ.
You are free, forgiven, redeemed, sanctified, and saved.
You are strong and healthy for God’s assignments.
Your life has tremendous value.
You are becoming more like Jesus every day!
All right, ladies, those are some things to think about! Strut your stuff! There’s no one else like you! I love you and God loves you more!
Write a comment
Kami (Thursday, 16 May 2013 19:51)
Love it!! So true!!
Tracey (Saturday, 01 June 2013 20:53)
Funny reading this, the second day of our vacation....at the beach . God knew I needed to read this "today." All of us know, somewhere in our heart, God see's our hearts not our physical apperance, but I needed the reminder, it is appreciated, Yes I "jiggle" more than I used too , but God doesn't see it. Yeah!
Anna (Sunday, 02 June 2013 14:21)
Enjoy your vacation and your family! Thanks for your comment, Tracey!
Darcy (Monday, 01 July 2013 22:03)
I was meant to find this! I was just preparing to don a swimsuit tomorrow (eep!) and was dreading the thought. This has helped ease my fears. Thank you!