The Prayer Dare for Wives (Plan and Details) begins Feb. 4

The Prayer Dare for Wives (Feb. 4-March 10)

facebook group address:!/groups/149281355225584/


Are you a wife who is ready to unleash God’s power on your marriage? This group has been created out of a desire to persevere in prayer for God’s will to be accomplished in our husbands, ourselves, our marriages and our circumstances. We recognize that only God has the power to transform and that He has called us to pray. We believe that “the prayers of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16


So, I’m not just asking you...I’m DARING join this journey! It may not be easy, but marriage is worth fighting for. God’s Word says in Eph 3:20, that He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine!” Let’s do this, my friend!




1. KEEP IT SIMPLE – A mentor of mine once gave me a poem entitled, “Never Let Them Pray.” In this poem, Satan told his demons to let the Christians do their Bible studies, work long hours for the church, go to their meetings, talk about prayer, have fun doing all their religious activities, but no matter what it required of the demons...they were never to let the Christians pray. Why? Because Satan knows that prayer is power. He knows that, with prayer, Christians move the mighty hand of God. With prayer, Christians draw near to God’s heart and experience his love, faithfulness and goodness. With prayer, God’s children find peace, comfort, joy, hope and healing. Through prayer, strongholds are demolished.


I WANT THIS SIMPLY TO BE ABOUT PRAYER. I confess that, too often, I run out of time to pray the way God wants me to. I spend many hours in my week studying the Bible, ministering to others, going to church activities, hanging out with church friends. While these are all good, wonderful things that honor God, my activity, life and relationships will lack power if it is not supported with much prayer. God’s greatest desire is for me to spend time with him. He desires my worship, thankfulness, surrender, confession of sin. He tells me to ask for his will to be accomplished in me, my circumstances, my relationships and world. Prayer is how we invite God’s blessing, favor, activity and power into our lives.


2. PRAY WITH PERSEVERANCE –  I acknowledge that God's timing is perfect, but sometimes I get sooo impatient while I wait!  When praying for God's will to be accomplished, we need to be patient and we need to persevere in prayer!  It may take weeks, months or years to see God's will come to pass, but be assured... God's purposes will prevail!  The online Prayer Dare facebook group is there for your encouragement, accountability, and support. I am much more likely to stick to a commitment if I have a partner or group who is working towards the same goal. Your posts of prayers, scriptures, praise reports and prayer requests create a fire in me to persevere towards my goal! I do not want us to spend time discussing...I want us to pray. Pray for your own husband, as well as, for each other. I am ready to take back what Satan has stolen from so many of our marriages. I am ready to draw near to my Heavenly Father and cry out for his perfect will to be accomplished in me, my husband and my marriage. Strong marriages create strong homes. Strong homes create strong children, who create strong communities, which creates a strong world! Let’s never underestimate the power of praying wives! I’m so excited to be in this with you!


3. CREATE A PRAYER PLAN THAT WORKS FOR YOU – I’m also much more likely to stick with a commitment if it fits my personality and lifestyle. The Prayer Dare is not about me making up a rigid plan and asking you to follow it. I want you to create a prayer plan that challenges you, but works for you. The book we’re using for this, “The Power of a Praying Wife,” by Stormie Omartian, is to be used as a guide to teach you about prayer and how to pray effectively for your husband. We will all start together by reading, The Power and Chap. 1, The Wife, together. This lays the foundation for us.


After that, I want you to have the freedom to pray for your husband and marriage in a way that is most effective for your particular situation. Maybe you need to pray immediately for your husband’s temptations, while another praying wife needs to cry out in prayer for her husband’s work situation. Our posted prayers on the group page will create a beautiful tapestry that reflects each wife’s heart and current need. You may post as often as you wish.   You may post prayers, scriptures, encouragement, prayer requests, answers to prayer, and questions. But, please refrain from long discussions. Remember, our goal is to pray.


Finally, let’s commit to this group for five weeks (until March 10). That is enough time to develop what will hopefully be a lifetime commitment to persevere in prayer for your husband. While The Prayer Dare for Wives is only five weeks long, “The Power of a Praying Wife” book is a 30-week journey, so I encourage you to keep on praying! The facebook group will remain online if you ever want to come back for prayer support and encouragement. There may be some who want to continue online for many weeks to come!


A word from Stormie, author of “The Power of a Praying Wife”


Don’t be overwhelmed by the many ways there are to pray for your husband. It’s not necessary to do it all in one day, one week, or even a month. Let the suggestions in this book be a guide and then pray as the Holy Spirit lead you. Where there are tough issues and you need a dynamic breakthrough, fasting will make your prayers more effective. Also, praying Scripture over your husband is powerful. That’s what I have done in the prayers at the end of each chapter, wherever you see a Scripture reference.


Above all, don’t give place to impatience. Seeing answers to your prayers can take time, especially if your marriage is deeply wounded or strained. Be patient to persevere and wait for God to heal. Keep in mind that you are both imperfect people. Only the Lord is perfect. Look to God as the source of all you want to see happen in your marriage, and don’t worry about how it will happen. It’s your responsibility to pray. It’s God’s job to answer. Leave it in His hands.


Are you ready, sweet friend? LET US PRAY!! Love you!

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Comments: 5
  • #1

    melanie (Wednesday, 30 January 2013)

    Excellent Anna. I'm excited to get started. Now if only my book would get here. :)

  • #2

    Kami (Thursday, 31 January 2013 07:51)

    Looking forward to this!

  • #3

    Anna (Friday, 01 February 2013 13:09)

    Yay! Thanks for your excitement! Love you, girls. Mel, you can download chap. 1 for free. Just search, "Power of a Praying Wife, Free Download." Hopefully that will hold you over a little until your book comes.

  • #4

    Hilary buell (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 09:10)

    somehow, when I was invited to do this by my friend, I somehow didn't clue in, to what the deal was/came in late& thot it was TOO LATE to join in...... in reality I KNOW it's NEVER TOO LATE TO PRAY! so, I have the book& I am starting this dare for myself TODAY! (may 1st-June 5th.... I THINK that's 5 weeks)thank you for this&God bless!

  • #5

    Anna Frye (Thursday, 02 May 2013 07:25)

    Go Hilary! Keep me posted on how it affects your heart! It is such a powerful thing to pray for your husband! It will change you just as much as it will change your hubby. So cool! You should consider asking a friend to do the dare along with you. I know it always helps me stick with my commitment...and it adds an extra component of fun!




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