"I've got 149 things on my to-do list this week. I wonder how many I'll get checked off...and still have my sanity!"
Sound familiar? I bet you can relate. Whether it's "the most wonderful time of year" (Christmas) or the "lazy days of summer" (does that really exist?), I usually fall into bed exhausted from my day's activities. Rarely do I finish everything on my to-do list, yet I often feel pressured to do more. After all, the PTA needs more volunteers, the bake sale needs cookies, the church needs child-care workers, Great-Aunt Ethel is expecting an adorable Christmas photo card of my kids, teacher gifts must be made...and the list goes on.
My wheels are spinning, but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere! Admit it or not, to some degree, I think we all get sucked into our culture's expectations of us...all throughout the year.
I have decided I'm trading in my to-do list! My endless list of the good, bad and the ugly has kept me in bondage long enough. It has stolen my peace, joy and the abundant life Jesus died to give me. From now on, I will pray and ask God to sift through my list and give me wisdom to discern what is BEST...not just good, but BEST. Not my list, God, but Yours!
Here are 3 truths I discovered about God's to-do list for you. I pray it sets you free!
1. God has a unique to-do list written just for you.
"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
God's list for you is written based on His unique purpose for your life. It fits your personality, gifts, talents and season of life. Knowing this truth frees you from comparing your activities and responsibilities to those around you. It should also empower you to say "no" to things that do not fit God's plan for you. God wrote your life-giving, joy-filled to-do list before you were born. Allow him to show you his best plan for you.
2. He will not give you anything that is too heavy or ill-fitting for you.
Jesus said, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
This doesn't mean he won't give you assignments that stretch you and sometimes make you uncomfortable. It means he knows what assignments will equip you to love him deeply and serve him effectively. It means he will give you the strength to accomplish those assignments. His to-do list for you fits you perfectly and will bring you joy and freedom. It will restore your life. But, we must first come to him. We run in a thousand different directions, but the only way we need to run is to Jesus. He will show us what direction to take. While we walk and work with him, he teaches us how to live freely and lightly. Doesn't that sound wonderful?!
3. When you stick to God's to-do list, your life will bring him glory.
Jesus said, "I have brought you (God) glory on earth by completing the work you (God) gave me to do." John 17:4
Have you ever said, "God, let me life bring you glory. Let me be a light in this dark world. Let me be a breath of fresh air to those around me."? I pray this daily and God convicted me about my constant busy-ness, my constant need for perfection and approval, my pride in my ability to "do it all."
How can I bring Him glory if I'm running around stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed? How can I share God's joy and peace if I'm too busy to be interrupted? How can I be a light when I burden myself with too many activities and obligations? How can I hear the voice of God when I don't have time to stop and listen? How is my busy-ness affecting my ministry to my husband and children?
I love that Jesus said, "Walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it." This tells me I need to study the powerful life and ministry of Jesus, which is found in the Bible books, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. He was never in a hurry or too busy for interruptions. He was known for kindness, gentleness and compassion. And, when he neared the end of His life on earth, he was able to say to His Father, "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." Jesus completed his to-do list!
Are you tired of allowing your to-do list to keep you in bondage? Do you want to recover the abundant life Jesus died to give you? Let's slow down, friend, and draw near to Him. Let's commit each morning to pray, "God, what do you have for me today? Help me discern what is best. Show me what is not important and can be taken off my list. I want the activities of my day to glorify you and accomplish the purpose you have given me. Give me peace and joy as I work for you, God. Let me be a light in this dark world and a breath of fresh air to those around me. Restore my life God, as I trade my to-list in for yours! In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!"
Have a blessed week, my sweet friends!
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