Warrior Mom

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." 

James 5:16


I am on a mission to unleash God's full power onto the lives of my kids.  There is a very real enemy, Satan, who has waged war against God for the very souls of my precious babies.  While God has an abundant life planned for my children, Satan's plan is to steal, kill and destroy them (John 10:10).  Oh, to hear the clashing of angel's and demon's swords; to see the battle blaze; to hear the mighty commands of God; to smell the fires of hell, to feel the power of the two opposing forces.  I have no choice but to cry out to God to save my children from Satan's grip.


However, my biggest struggle over this urgency to pray is that most days, the awareness of this raging war is not pressing on my heart.  Out of sight.  Out of mind.


Because of my ignorance of this invisible spiritual reality, my prayers for my kids become routine and lazy, lacking any real power and boldness against the constant, daily attacks on my child's mind, heart, soul and life.  Even when I decide I want to change, the fervancy of my prayers seem to last only briefly. 


This past summer, God brought me once again to this place of urgency to pray.  And, while I haven't been perfect in my commitment to pray every single day with passion and boldness, I'm working at being more intentional in how I pray and what I pray for my kids. 


An amazing resource that has revolutionized my prayer time is a book called, "Praying the Scriptures for Your Children," by Jodie Berndt.  One of the many things I like about it are the short, simple scripture prayers with blanks to plug in my kid's names.  Praying the very words of God is the most powerful weapon God has given us moms as we actively participate in this battle for our children.


I love this quote from the book, "Psalm 56:9 declares that the day we call for help, the tide of battle turns.  We are in a battle for the very lives of our children.  What comforting truth to know that when a righteous mom intercedes, using the Word on behalf of her children, God has heard her prayers and Satan's power is dispelled.  Satan's attacks can be destroyed by the power of the living Word of God.  Yes, the Word is the most powerful weapon for the protection of our children."


Let's be positive, Godly, intentional moms who stand in the gap daily for our kids.  Let us cry out to God Almighty, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever!  Amen!  (Ephesians 3:20,21)

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