Motherhood--the hardest job you ever loved!

"Take your children by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master."  Ephesians 6:4b MSG


Hello dear moms!  How is your day going?!  Are you up to your ears in diapers and PB&J?  Did you have a not-so-peaceful morning before putting your child on the bus?  Are you bracing yourself for a big dose of attitude when your teen gets home?  Have you ever caught yourself wondering, "What was I thinking when I asked God to give me children??!!"


Truly, motherhood is the hardest job we ever loved!  On those days you start losing a grip on your sanity, you must remember this...God has placed a high calling on your life through this crazy, wonderful job called motherhood.  As a mom, you have unmatched purpose and influence.  If God chose to bless you with children, the he has CALLED YOU.  He has EQUIPPED YOU.   He has HAND-PICKED YOU  to be the mom of your kids.  He has ENTRUSTED YOU to raise up his precious creations to fulfill their God-given destiny!


Think about this.  Even before God created this earth, he planned the creation and life of your child.  He gave your child an extrordinary destiny and purpose to fulfill during his/her time here on earth -- one that would further his kingdom and bring him glory.  He formed within him/her a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, gifts and talents.  God gave him/her a special personality.  He chose the exact time in history and location for your child to be born.  He blazed a straight and narrow path for your little one to walk on that leads to the abundant, blessed purpose-filled life.


When God looked out over all the women on the earth, He CHOSE YOU to be the mom of his latest masterpiece creation.  He CHOSE YOU to raise this child up to become a mighty man or woman of God.  Are you getting this??!!  God also knew you before he created the earth.  He chose the exact time in history and location you would be born,  God also placed within you a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, gifts and talents.  He gave you a special personality.  He placed within you an extraordinary purpose to fulfill during your life on earth.  And, if he has made you a mom, that is, hands down, the highest, most wonderful, most influential, purpose-filled calling you have!  Nothing else can quite compare!  He is saying to you, "Take your children by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master."  (Ephesians 6:4b, MSG).


God, help us embrace this calling with all our heart!  Help us get this!  Help us believe that there is no better investment of our time and talents!  Help us shout over top of the world's chaos, "I LOVE BEING A MOM!!!"  Oh, God, use us moms to raise up a mighty generation of men and women who love you with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.  Give us wisdom, encouragement, direction, patience, and endurance as we lead them down your path to their God-given destiny.  Make our homes a place of love, joy, peace and rest.  Make us the moms you desire for us to be.  Help us rise to this challenge and pursue this calling with excellence.  Thank you for the precious gifts of our children.  Thank you for the privilege of being called, "mom."  We praise and glorify you, Mighty God!  Amen!


Rise up, moms!  Pursue your God-given calling with excellence!  Take your chilren by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.  Heaven is cheering you on every step of the way!


Over the next few weeks, my blog will address a few ways we can pursue this calling with excellence.  So, make sure to come back every week for encouragement from my heart to yours.  Love ya!

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Sheri A (Saturday, 06 October 2012 07:00)

    Wow! Everytime I read your blog its as if you just knew what was going on in my mind at that time! Motherhood is so hard and I feel like as my children get older, that statement comes more and more! But I love my children so much, and yes, it is the highest privelage I could have ever received!

  • #2

    Anna (Sunday, 07 October 2012 19:08)

    Thanks for your comment, Sheri! Isn't God so good to bring you the right encouragement at the right time! Keep up the great work loving your kids! It's a tough job, but totally worth it!




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