Hello friends! I've been studying lately about how our thoughts and feelings affect us. The fact is that it is a constant battle of the mind to think God thoughts instead of human thoughts. The best way I've found to battle any self-defeating thought is to find specific scriptures that tell you God's thought, then learn it, meditate on it, say it out loud and pray it until it becomes truth to you.
The emotion I want to address today is fear. Frankly, I'm tired of seeing fear have it's way in the lives of God's daughters. This simply should not be. God declares in 2 Timothy 1:7, "I have not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and a calm mind." He reminds us over and over, "Do not fear, for I am with you!"
Ladies, we must stop allowing fear to paralyze us, hold us back and ultimately steal the life God wants for us! We must let the words of God penetrate our hearts and minds so completely that we can face each day with courage, boldness and strength! God created you for adventure and extraordinary accomplishments that will further His kingdom.
Think for a minute how your life might be different if fear was not a factor. What new thing might you try? What relationship might be healed by the courage to forgive? What new-found hope might you have? What hardship could you endure? What impact could you have? What dream might you pursue?
Choose today to say, "I will not live in fear!" Say it over and over again until you believe it! Write this power thought and 2 Tim. 1:7 on a card and tape it somewhere you can read it often. I have mine by the coffee maker so I can say it out loud each morning as the coffee brews. I refuse to let fear control my decisions and behavior. I am a woman of faith. I do not need to see or feel God to know He is with me at all times. He is everything and all that I need.
The bad news is fear is a part of life and will never go away completely. The good news is that we can learn to not let it hold us back. Even if I feel fear, I can still choose to move forward knowing that as a daughter of the Most High God, I can do ALL things through Christ who is my strength. If God is for me, what can mere man do to me? God has a storehouse of abundant blessings He wants to pour out on me. I just need to reach out in faith and grab a hold of it!
My dear friend, His Word is for you just as much as it is for me. Believe it. Grab a hold of it. Say out loud, "I will not live in fear!" Step out in faith to do what God has put on your heart. Expect great things! Trust Him completely. Then stand back and watch Him do extraordinary things with your life.
Live bold. Live courageous. Live faith-full!
Here are some power scriptures to embolden you! Romans 8:15, 31, 37; Psalm 118:6, Philippians 4:13; 2 Timothy 1:7
I'm praying for you this week that you will not live in fear. I'm praying God gives you the strength and courage to do the thing He is asking you to do. If you'd like to share what He is putting on your heart, I'd LOVE to hear! And, I'd love to pray specifically for you! Love you!
Anna :)
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rachael (Thursday, 23 August 2012 20:48)
I feel like God wants me to lead a small group for teen girls in our youth group at church. I was told yes and that the material was great "seminar worthy" but then told when to do it how to do it and so on... I feel as if it has turned into something totally different than what I set out to do. Now I am not sure if I should say something , how to say it or if I should just do it their way and see what God does? Trying to listen to God but getting lost in the church.
Crystal (Thursday, 06 September 2012 22:39)
Anna, this spoke right to my heart. And I know what I have been *not* doing out of fear, and thats find a new home church. I need to not let fear get in my way any longer. Thank you!!!
Anna (Friday, 07 September 2012 12:15)
Praying you will be strong and courageous, Crystal! I know you'll keep me posted!
Jeri (Sunday, 23 September 2012 19:46)
Fear holds so many of us back. Thank you Anna, for reminding us who is in control & to release any of those fears!