PMS, My Husband, My Choice

If I'm going to be REAL with all you dear women who read my blog, I must tell you that a couple days ago, I was so angry with my husband that I felt like throwing a wooden spoon at his head and going off on him like a raving mad lunatic!  He had been pushing every one of my buttons for a few days and I had HAD it!!  Shouldn't a husband know that if his wife has PMS, he is NEVER allowed to actually tell her that he thinks maybe her heightened irritability and sensitivity could be because "it's that time of the month"!! 


Well, whatever the reason for my irritability, he and I could not manage to have a conversation without one of us getting irritated or upset.  Today, it all came to a head and I could feel myself ready to blow.  I sat quiet for a moment -- thinking.  I wish I could say I was having Sunday School thoughts, but really I was thinking that if I aimed just right, I really could hit him with my spoon!


Then, the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts, "When you FEEL like doing the wrong thing, but CHOOSE to do the right thing, God is pleased."  OH, MAN!!


Did you ever see those cartoons when there's a little devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other?  The character must choose which to listen to.  I never wanted so badly to shoo that little angel to the floor!


But, then, obviously, if I did that, who would I be choosing to listen to?!  Oh, God help me!


John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows.)


Satan wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy the joy, peace and unity in my home.  My husband and I spent too many years of our marriage waging war against each other, instead of recognizing our real enemy.


In that moment, I chose to take my thoughts and feelings captive and make them obedient to God.  I chose to keep my mouth shut!  Now that's a miracle in itself!  I then removed myself from the room and went somewhere to calm down and think rationally.


So now when I FEEL like throwing a wooden spoon at my husband, I CHOOSE instead to remember who the battle is really against.  If I CHOOSE to do the right thing when I FEEL like doing the wrong thing, I allow God the opportunity to bless my marriage and my family, to increase joy and peace in my home.


I CHOOSE to not allow the thief even one step in my home where he ever so slyly begins to kill, steal and destroy everything that is most precious.  God gives me a CHOICE.  I CHOOSE LIFE, ABUNDANT BLESSING, and a closed mouth!


Ladies, our feelings and emotions run strong...even when it's not "that time of the month."  Let's CHOOSE to control our emotions, instead of letting them control us.  When you FEEL like doing the wrong thing, but CHOOSE to do the right thing, God is pleased. 


If you find yourself in a situation this week where you feel like doing the wrong thing, but choose to do the right thing, I'd love to hear about it!


Have a great week, my friends!

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Comments: 6
  • #1

    Kami (Thursday, 02 August 2012 19:48)

    Oh it is so hard to keep my mouth shut sometimes!! For me this week, I have to keep choosing patience and perseverance with my little crew. Thanks for the great reminder Anna!

  • #2

    Shan (Thursday, 02 August 2012 20:58)

    Amen! And thank you for the reminder! When my emotions are running high, there are times when I want to throw the wooden spoon, and that would probably be less painful than the words I would spew. I appreciate the closed mouth perspective as the right choice!

  • #3

    Crystal (Monday, 06 August 2012 15:57)

    Oh these wise words...I remember them also from our Godly Wives class. It does take practice to zip the lip, and its not easy. I sure needed this reminder, Anna. Thank you :)

  • #4

    Jeri (Wednesday, 08 August 2012 00:11)

    Oh this brings me back Anna, to our dear friend James 1:19. Possibly one of my favs. If we all could remember his amazing words, I know my home would be a quieter place! You asked if any of us felt like you did this week, how about each day? It is so hard to bite our tongues but with your reminder, maybe we'll choose the little angel on our shoulder too.

  • #5

    Anna (Wednesday, 08 August 2012 11:55)

    Whew! I'm so glad I'm not alone on this one! ;) And, Shan, you are so right that the wooden spoon would probably hurt less than the words! Thanks, ladies, for your comments!

  • #6

    Angela (Friday, 17 August 2012 10:25)

    reading through some of your blog today and came across this one! so so so right!! yet when i choose to keep my mouth shut, i think my husband gets more frustrated because he just knows i want to say something! ugh...thanks for the reminder!!!




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