Impact moments. They hit you out of no where. You're just minding your own business, then, BAM, you no longer think the same, feel the same, look at life the same. An impact moment can come in the form of a phone call, email, news story, doctor's report, tragedy, celebration, life, death, a story.
But, no matter what the source of the impact moment, God is present. He is using that moment to draw you to Himself in a new way.
My recent impact moment came a couple weeks ago in the form of an email from a dear friend I haven't seen for 13 years. She had just heard about me becoming a Christian motivational speaker. Her email said this, "I could not have seen this of you when I knew you 13 years ago." BAM! Impact moment!
While I had professed to be a Christian, I had not really allowed God to be God in my life. I still wanted to be in charge of the way I talked, thought and acted. I was not ready to die to my own selfishness and grab hold of the abundant life Jesus died to give me. My friend knew me as a Christian who did not speak respectfully of her husband, who was not careful with her tongue, who was self-absorbed, and was a woman who made very unwise, poor choices for herself and her marriage.
Impact moment: I was a Christian who did not represent God well. My life was not making others see how awesome God is and the transforming power He has on one's life. Worse, I didn't even realize it! Christianity was a religion to me, not a dynamic, intimate relationship with Jesus. There's a huge difference!
Thank God, He never gives up on us! His grace, forgiveness and mercy are new every morning. He desires to make us a new person in Him! Second Corinthians exclaims, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
Praise God, that in Him, I am a new creation! My old self is gone! I am now living the abundant life in relationship with Jesus! A couple months ago, one of my dear MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) moms gave me the biggest compliment, saying, "Anna, you ooze God!" What a contrast to the woman I was just 13 years ago!
I'm thankful for my friend's email because it was an impact moment. It caused tears to flow as I realized how far God has brought me; how much He has grown me. As I strive to daily live for Him, I can't help but wonder what my life will be like another 13 years from now!
What impact moments have you had in life? Whether good or bad, were you able to see God's presence in it? Please share your impact moment and how God changed you through it. Or, share how God has made you a new person!
Have a blessed day, my friends!
Write a comment
Kami (Thursday, 02 August 2012 19:50)
It is hard to imagine You without God oozing from your word and actions, friend! So glad he grabbed hold of your heart and life. He is certainly using you to make a big IMPACT on people in your life now!!
Crystal (Monday, 06 August 2012 16:00)
*What Kami Said!!!*
Anna (Monday, 06 August 2012 19:56)
Thank you, girls, for your comments! Love you!!!