Mom Attitude Adjustment

It's July 17.  We are 43 days into summer break and have 41 days left until school starts.  But, who's counting right?!  How are you feeling about summer at this point?  Would you respond, "Ahhh, summer."  Or, "UGGG SUMMER!!!"?


I've been paying more attention lately to my attitude about having my kids with me all the time...ALL the time.  Ephesians 5:15 reminds me to "Be very careful then how you live...making the most of every opportunity..."  Summertime holds countless opportunities to really enjoy being a mom, but I must choose to really be with my kids, instead of just being around them.  There's a difference between the two.  I must choose to intentionally speak positive words to my kids, friends and myself and think positive thoughts rather than maintain a constant state of aggrevation with my kids.  The words we speak and the thoughts we allow to play over and over in our head have a powerful effect on our attitude and outlook on life.  Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Do other moms around you complain about being with their kids?  My dear friends, do not conform!  Renew your attitude, your thoughts and your heart.  Be a mom who makes a positive difference!  Remember, negativity is a joy killer. 


Our kids are a gift from the Lord.  I know very well that some days they feel like a curse...I know.  But, maybe we just need a perspective change.  This past week marked four years since my dear friend's baby boy died.  I still remember getting the phone call.  It was a day I was particularly agitated with my little ones.  But, let me tell you, a phone call like that has a way of changing your perspective and attitude VERY quickly.  Today, my friend has a beautiful little girl.  Yes, she has hard mom days just like any of us, but she also knows the value of that little life; how quickly life can change; and the awesome privilege we have to be called, "mom" -- even if it is for the 100th time that day.


You and I get to choose how we finish the last half of the summer, which, incidentally, is also the hardest.  Vacations are done.  Camps are done.  New toys are lost or broken.  Siblings are tired of each other.  And, "I'm bored," rings throughout the house every day.


Let's change our perspective.


There is still water to splash in.  Bubbles to chase.  Crafts to make.  Trails to discover.  Lightning bugs to catch.  S'mores to eat.  Extra hugs to give.  Balls to catch.  Books to read.  Opportunities to say, "I love you" and "I'm so glad God gave you to me."


Will you commit with me today to be a positive mom who is careful with her words and thoughts?  Can we be intentional about being with our kids instead of just around them?  Will you commit with me to give yourself an attitude check every once in a while and choose to change your perspective, if necessary?  Will you see your children as gifts from God and see yourself as a woman with great purpose, called by God to be a mom who influences her child to become all that God created them to be!  Go, mom!


Please forward this blog to all your mom friends so that together, we can make a difference in our community and not conform any longer to the pattern of this world.

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Christina R. (Wednesday, 18 July 2012 08:37)

    It is so easy to "attitude check" your kids...but to do it to yourself is hard to remember and do sometimes(until you hit critical mass)but it pays off! Thanks for your insightful words and challenge...I'm on board!

    Oh, and if you want a bordom buster for your kids...check this out :o)

  • #2

    Jeri Phillips (Wednesday, 18 July 2012 20:29)

    This couldn't have come to me at a better time. It's been quite a week (I know, it's only Wednesday) but my nerves are shot, then I read this! I am totally on board. I wait with such anticipation for summer to arrive so I can have my kids WITH me, then I blink and summer's half-way over. Here's to making a conscious effort to make the time we have together meaningful.

  • #3

    Crystal C (Friday, 27 July 2012 23:22)

    We have been having a fab summer thus far I have to say I am very pleased. Activities every day, and I do welcome rainy days so it does appear I am doing things IN the home as well lol ;) but this is a reminder I do need to be in my daughters life and not just skating along with it watching from the sides. I do that a lot...skate...when indeed I need to be IN and DOING with her.
    Thank you for this blog ;) love ya!




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