I LOVE the morning. I am created 100% a morning person! My alarm wakes me each morning at 6am to praise and worship songs on my favorite radio station, K-LOVE. This helps me start my day with my mind fixed on Jesus. I am the kind of person that anticipates each new day with great expectation and thankfulness.
Once out of bed, I throw on my exercise clothes and head downstairs for a 30-minute session of kick boxing. I love kick boxing because I am a small person and the power in this workout makes me feel strong! I may be small, but I am mighty! Don't mess with me! LOL!!
After my workout, I'm ready for my absolute favorite part of the morning. Breakfast with God. With my chocolate truffle latte, english muffin and Bible in hand, I head out to the front porch picnic table. The sun is just peeking through the trees. The birds are busy chattering and singing. The deer are munching their way down their usual trail. It is absolute serenity. I breathe in the presence of God and exhale the burdens of life. Sweet peace is mine.
I love having breakfast with God becasue it is power for my day. Very soon, my three children will bounce out of bed and my real-life day will begin. While there is sure to be laughter and fun, there is also sure to be fighting, whining and tattle-taling. There is sure to be stress, problems, and decisions to be made. I have to be ready. If I want to be a positive mom, a loving wife and Godly woman, I NEED to have breakfast with God. As I talk with him and read my Bible, God quiets me, strengthens me, infuses me with joy and peace. He reminds me that His Holy Spirit is inside me and I am more than a conqueror over whatever comes in my day. I have the opportunity to give my day to God and ask him to order my steps, to give me wisdom for decisions and give me an extra dose of patience for my children. I ask him for his protection, blessing, favor and provision over my family. I praise him for who He is. He is my everything.
Ladies, we cannot fool ourselves into thinking we don't need time alone with God each day. It is your power for the day! If you want to change your life, spend time with God. Period.
That being said, I know we are not all created the same. Some of you are NOT morning people. You would rather cut off your right arm than get up early and exercise! I'm delighted to know that Jesus prayed both in the morning and at night. Some of you are up early, but it's because your infant wakes you at 5 am with hunger cries. Some of you may leave for work before the sun comes up. So, I'm curious, how do you find time to be with God? I would love to share ideas and tips so we can build each other up and encourage one another to finding a way to more time with God which will result in more power for living! So, post your comments, tips and ideas and let's get this conversation rolling!
Write a comment
Sarah Heller (Friday, 06 July 2012 08:14)
I am not a morning person but I am working on it! On several levels this was a great first post for the new adventure He has planned for you!
Crystal Cigich (Wednesday, 11 July 2012 12:25)
Loved your entry for your first blog :) And I am NOT a morning person, never have been and never will be. But I do find it peaceful as I am in bed, getting ready to shut the light off on my night stand, to read from My Daily Bread. I turn the lights off and say a prayer and it drifts me into sleep...
Lenore Forsha (Wednesday, 11 July 2012 13:55)
I am a morning person. I get up at 5 a.m. to take my 3-4 mile walk and God and I can have some great talks to start my day. It is a very quiet time and then I get to see the sun come up. What a sight! Me and God to start the day!
Colleen Alexander (Monday, 16 July 2012 12:18)
I am an everything person. Mornings are great if you are up before the kids....So is that 11:00PM hour when the house is still... I talk to God as if he is standing next to me.... I may be having a wonderful moment and thanking him for everything..or a bad moment and asking why?? Or driving to work and praying... One thing is for sure no matter what I am feeling happy, scared, angry, sad....A comfortable peace overwhelmes me when I request Gods being in my life everyday...
Jeri Phillips (Tuesday, 17 July 2012 00:25)
I love this first post. I too am a morning person. I may not get out of bed early to exercise (although I'm finally realizing this is the only time I'll get to exercise...)but I enjoy the stillness of the morning. This is my time to talk to God & ask Him to give me the strength I need to conquer what the day will bring.
Emily Firko (Saturday, 28 July 2012 20:13)
Love your blog Anna! I am a morning person as well! However, Carly wakes up very early (5 or 5:30) for the day. She is content to stay in her crib for about 10 mins so I read my daily devotional (Jesus Calling) and pray. It is not a lot of time but I know it's just a phase and will pass : )